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Yes please! What is it?
Welcome, friend! Would you like to learn about Quattrocode typeface?
Yeah, sure! What is it?
well, quattrocode is an experimental font family with 4 styles: quattrocode (01), quattrocodE (02), quattrocode (03) and quattrocode (04).
Interesting! Can I combine them?
YES! there is also a SPECIAL StYlE thAT CONtAinS alL fOuR. THis AlLOWs yOu tO MiX DiFfErEnt StYLEs IN One text!
Woow. Impressive, I like it.
YOU CAn ALSO TILT ANY STYLE TO THE  LEFT OR RIGHT OR   MIXTHE   TWO INCLINATIONS   WITH EACH   other and use   variable type   to have   the angle   ofinclination   thatyou   want
Very italic. Is Quattrocode uppercase-only?
Actually, it's not just capital letters. It has all the necessary glyphs you might need. And — this font can be used in more than 40 languages! Do you see how different it looks now?
I see that you put a lot of work in it!
 By the way, The Cyrillic alphabet
is here too! Look АT thiS:  — В чащах юга жил бы цитрус?— Да, но фальшивый экземпляр!
Whoa, that's great!
glad you like it! `(•__.•))` check this too:
A ǻ à á à á â ã ä å ā ă ą e è é ê ë ē ĕ ė ę ě o ò ó ô õ ö ō ŏ ő
Can I see... like, more common symbols and ligatures?
Sure! Here ya go: ÆŒ©fhfbftfk№®Ф(()) @[]&\/±#‰œ£100™€ЉЊ37—fj@‡?!*{0}<Ǿ>” ”§=`~etc.
Okay! Phew! Thanks, Arthur. That’s a lot of info!
Wait! Wait! I haven't shown you everything yet!
Uhm... I think I've seen enough. Bye, Arthur!
N ^(*<>*)^ o! Please stay!
I have to go.
look! You can draw like this: OXOXOXOXOXOXOXO {__}-**-{__}-**-{__}-**-{__}-**-{__}-{{[[O]]}}{{[[O]]}} {{[[O]]}}{{[[O]]}}}@{}@{}@{}@{}@{}@{}@{}@{{[[}@{[[}@{]]}@{[[}@{]]}@{[[}@{]]}@{[[}@{]]} ‡I*l*I‡I*l*I‡I*l*I‡I*l*I‡I*l*I‡I*l*I‡
I have to go!